Launched the teddy bear project yesterday, at last. Each one takes 23 minutes to embroider! Running the machine 10 hours a day, it will take 5 days to do all 150; that's if nothing goes wrong. I launched a dozen last night and woke to exactly 1-1/2 patches done - the bobbin thread had broken on the second one. Frustrating.
I've asked the client if I can reduce the number of pink dots; that seems to take the most time.
And, after having ordered more thread, I just noticed that I am almost certainly going to run out of purple thread and possibly beige. I could kick myself. I hope I can go to Atlanta Thread & Supply and pick up more rather than waiting for them to mail it.
Projects are one damn thing after another...
I've asked the client if I can reduce the number of pink dots; that seems to take the most time.
And, after having ordered more thread, I just noticed that I am almost certainly going to run out of purple thread and possibly beige. I could kick myself. I hope I can go to Atlanta Thread & Supply and pick up more rather than waiting for them to mail it.
Projects are one damn thing after another...
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