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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Oberlin trip

This is out of order but no matter.

The Oberlin trip took place as scheduled.  Probably the most important outcomes were some good solid work on a prototype (largely unsuccessful but you have to go through the process, keeping Edison's rule in mind); and making contact with the Recycling group at OC.  Met Lara Nagler who was very enthusiastic about the product and wants to sell it through the Recycled Products Coop.  Also took us to the shop and let us help ourselves.

Talked up the idea quite a bit and everyone is very positive.  Have some good ideas for bubblewrap sources - IGA, UPS, city of Oberlin recycling - and for material - Ben Franklin, Kendal.  For labor, "Main St." suggested contacting churches which seems like a good plan.

Next trip should be in April/May.  Need to nail down sources and get more distribution channels on board (RPC only wants 10).  Mindfair at Ben Franklin seems like the best place, but there's also a store in the basement of Mudd Library we should check out.

Thanks for letting us use the dining room table as our workshop, Mom!

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